Content strategy, how can it help you to increase the number of visitors to your site?
Content is king, isn’t it? You’ve probably heard this phrase before. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. Even if you’re not a marketing professional, you probably know that the more content you have available – attractive, quality, useful, compelling and well-researched content – the better off your business will be and the easier it will be to be visible to new customers.
But how do you know what kind of content to create? How do you make sure it’s always better than your competitors? And how do you make people want to read about your business?
This is where the logic of an optimal content marketing strategy comes in. By taking the right approach to creating and distributing written materials, you can ensure that your brand has the most positive impact on leads to increase your conversion rate and brand awareness.
What is a content strategy?
A content strategy is a plan for creating, sharing and promoting content. It is a detailed plan of how you will share your brand message with your audience. And it’s not just about the words on your website, it’s about where you share them and how you get people there.
Content strategies can be used for a wide variety of purposes, but they are most often used to help businesses grow. To develop an effective content strategy, you need to know who is visiting your site, what they are looking for and how they want the information to be delivered, and then make sure you deliver it!
The best way to think about a content strategy is this: if you were selling your product or service, what would you say? What would it look like? Where would it be distributed? How would you get people to go there? How would they know about it? And how would you ensure that they keep coming back for more?
The link between content strategy and SEO
Content strategy and SEO are two sides of the same coin. The more you understand about how SEO and content strategy work, the more effective your website will be on search engines such as Google. SEO is about making sure that your website appears when people search for information online, while content strategy is about making sure that your website contains all the information that people are likely to be looking for.
A good content strategy includes a plan for the types of content you will create and the frequency (schedule) with which you will update it with the aim of driving traffic to your site with relevant content. It also includes information on how you will write your text and whether you will use images or video. Your content strategy should reflect how users want to find information on your site, so that when they do, they are happy with what they see. The two are therefore very much linked as a good SEO plan includes keywords and phrases that people will use when searching for information on your topic. It also includes a description of how often you need to publish new content so that search engines update their indexes with new information more frequently than if they only received one post per month or week.
But here’s the thing, content isn’t just something that is created and then stored on your site until it becomes obsolete; it needs to be constantly updated to stay fresh and relevant. That’s why it makes sense to implement an SEO strategy as part of your overall communication and content strategy!
What strategy should you adopt to maximise your content strategy?
The best way to maximise your content strategy is to take a holistic approach. This means that you should not only consider the content itself, but also the whole content creation and distribution system.
You need to consider all the ways people can interact with your content and how this affects their relationship with your brand. Here are the different mediums to help you with your content strategy:
The blog
The blog is one of the most important elements of a content strategy, as it’s the place where you can take the time to delve into a topic, and where you can really build your brand as an expert on that subject.
The blog is where you can make sure your readers get what they need from you – and that they know why they keep coming back to your site or app. It’s also a place where you can showcase your unique voice and personality, which will help readers feel that they are dealing with a real person and not a company trying to sell them something.
However it is important to remember what it is and what it is not.
The blog is a place where you can share your expertise with your audience. It is a place where you can write about topics that are relevant to your business, and also share stories and experiences that are relevant to your customers. It is also a place where you can present your company’s activities and build trust and loyalty with readers by being transparent about the process behind those activities.
The blog should not be used as an advertising space or an opportunity for self-promotion; rather, it should be used as a way to share valuable information with your customers in an authentic way.
Having a blog writing strategy in place is a major asset to getting quality, value-added content.
Video is a great way to get your message across. It gives you the opportunity to tell a story and engage your audience. Video can be used to introduce new products or services, convey information and even entertain your audience.
Many types of video content can be created, including explainer videos, product demonstrations, case studies, how-to videos, testimonials, etc. The possibilities are endless!
One thing to keep in mind when creating video content is that it must be engaging and interesting to your audience. If you don’t grab their attention immediately, they will simply click on your video and move on. This means you need strong storytelling skills as well as great visuals for your videos if you want them to perform well online.
Podcasts have been a rising star in the world of content strategy for the past few years. They are a great way to connect with your audience, build trust and stay ahead of the curve.
Podcasts can be used in many situations. They can be used as a way to educate your customers about a topic or service they have questions about, or they can be used as an educational tool for yourself and your team. Podcasts can also be used to start a conversation with potential customers who may not yet be familiar with your company.
Case studies
Case studies are an important part of the content strategy. They are used to illustrate the results of a project and show how it was implemented, thus building your reputation.
Case studies also provide examples that you can use in your own content, showing what you have achieved and how you have done it. This can be particularly useful if you have a client or company who wants to see examples of your work before they hire you.
White papers
A white paper is an in-depth, authoritative guide to a particular topic. They are often used by companies to inform their target audience of the benefits of their product or service.
The role of white papers in your content strategy depends on what you are trying to achieve with your content. If you are trying to build trust with your customers, white papers are a great way to do this because they have the appearance of being objective and unbiased. The fact that they are so detailed will help convince readers that you have done your research and have something valuable to say on the subject.
If you are trying to generate leads or sales, white papers can also be effective as they tend to be very comprehensive, leaving little room for doubt in readers’ minds as to exactly what they need at that moment.
Social media
Social media has become a central part of the content strategy.
It’s not just about posting on social media once or twice a day, but using social media to support your other content, and vice versa.
Social networks have allowed people to connect with each other and share their opinions in a way that was not possible before. They have also given brands the ability to speak directly to their audiences and customers, who are now more willing than ever to engage with brands.
When considering your content strategy, you need to think about how you can use social media as an extension of your brand identity and values. How can you use them to build your audience? How can you use them to allow people to interact with each other around your brand? How can you use them as a way for people who are not interested in what you do but are interested in what your customers do? And how will they enable new relationships between brands and consumers?
How do you establish a viable content strategy?
Establishing a viable content strategy is not an easy task. It takes time, effort and research. But it is worth the effort. Here are some tips to get you started:
Define your content vision and marketing goals
From a content marketing perspective, your content vision is the overall strategy you want to follow. It’s a combination of your company’s goals, your audience’s wants and needs, and the type of content you’ll create. Your content vision is what you want to achieve in the long term, and is usually a mix of short and long term goals. Your marketing goals are more specific goals related to sales or leads that you can measure directly. To help you create content and focus your strategy, you can draw on the 5W rule, What, Why, Who, When, Where.
Getting ideas for topics
The first step in coming up with topic ideas for a content strategy is to know your audience. Who are you writing for? What is their age range, gender and location? Is it a small business or a large corporation? Once you know who your target audience is, it will be easier to choose topics that interest them.
Next, think about the type of content that would be useful to your readers. Do they want information about new products or services? Maybe they are looking for tips on how to use an application or website better. Maybe they are just looking for fun facts about their industry!
Create unique and differentiating content
You’ve probably heard the same advice over and over again: to really stand out, you need to create unique and differentiating content.
We’re here to tell you that this isn’t just good advice – it’s a rule that applies to every industry, in every field. We’re not kidding when we say this is the only way your business will truly thrive.
And why? Because if you don’t have unique content, your customers can find it elsewhere. If you don’t have valuable content, why would they spend time on your website?
At SEO Exploration, our team of writers will find the right words to create unique content that resonates with you.
Structure the content
When writing your content, think about the words your readers are likely to use when they are looking for information like yours. For example, if you’re writing an article about dogs and their health problems, you might include terms like ‘dog food’, ‘dog breed’ and ‘health problems’. This way, when someone searches for information about dogs and their health problems, your article will appear higher in the search engine results page (SERP) than others that do not contain these terms.
When creating content, plan how much of the page should be devoted to each topic. This structure will make it easier for readers looking for specific information to find what they want quickly.
Develop a voice and tone for the content
Your content is an extension of your brand, so it should speak the same language. As a writer and content creator, you are the voice of your brand. And the first step to creating a powerful voice that resonates with your target customers is to develop a tone that matches your company’s personality and audience.
Optimise existing content to generate leads
The content on your website, for example, may be old and not necessarily optimised in the best way. In this case, it is necessary to take your old content and re-optimise it to allow these themes to stand out on search engines and therefore gain leads and visibility.
Boost your visibility with an optimal content strategy
It’s no secret that you want your content to be seen by as many people as possible. But how do you achieve this?
If you want to ensure that your brand’s online presence is as strong as it can be, you need a content strategy that works.
Why do businesses need a content strategy? Because the internet is full of noise! Millions of businesses are trying to get your attention, so if you don’t stand out, who will notice? Your competitors! So how do you make sure that doesn’t happen? You need to create something amazing every day.
To help you create and write relevant content for your business, the SEO Explorations team is here. We guarantee a content strategy that is in line with your overall strategy to help you improve your presence and your SEO.